Thursday, December 31, 2009

Holiday rush = done -- craft fair and contest rush = just starting!

So the holiday is over, and with it came new learning experiences.  Some ideas went well, like the cat for Julie-at-work.  I liked this one well enough I actually signed it!  I worked out something of a process for this piece, and have plans for additional cats and other animals in similar style.  I have a few ideas on how to make the eyes more realistic, but can't decide if I really want to go there.  I enjoy the depth and effect of the eyes on this particular puss.  As always, more ideas to play and experiment with than I have time to play and experiment!

The scottish terrier on the photo frame (a present for friend Mary, with background photo courtesy of my fiance' Jeff) turned out well, too.  Other photo frame ideas did not go well at all, and I learned from some of my mistakes.  One of my biggest lessons, which I seem to have to learn over and over again, is not attempting too much at one time.  I spent several hours Christmas day working on a piece I had to finally give up on, because I was trying to get form and colors perfect at the same time.  The piece was non-salvageable, which always makes me sad.  I decided later I would have been much better off working out the form and proportion first, then adding the multiple colors on the surface as if painting in clay.  With this in mind, it is definitely a piece that will become reality at some point, along with others of that style. 

I learned a bit about new materials on the vase I made for Kim.  She won one of my first vases in a raffle several years ago, and liked it enough to display in her home.  One of her friends fell in love with it so Kim, being Kim, gifted it to her.  When I heard the story I of course realized I had to make Kim a new vase.  

I stopped making these vases (and coffee mugs in the same style) because I wanted them to be dishwasher safe and was unable to accomplish that aim.  Some weathered washing by hand.  Some did not.  I could not in good conscience sell a product that could not be used, so walked away from the entire project, until now.

Having decided to make a new vase for Kim, I searched the craft stores for new ways to make it dishwasher safe.  I thought I found a way with the white outlining paint, but it turns out this is only dishwasher safe when baked at high temperatures for almost an hour.  That of course would ruin the polymer clay, which bakes at much lower temperatures for 10-15 minutes.  The end result is similar in durability to the vase Kim originally won, in that she can clean it carefully, as long as she does not submerge it for any length of time.  In other words, pretty to look at but not serviceable.  Back to the drawing board!

For the first time ever, with this new year I have a new focus for my art.  I have 6 weeks to build up an inventory for UpStage Artisan Alley.  Come visit me on Saturday, February 13th from 9:00am-4:00pm at the Slovenian Workmen's Home (15335 Waterloo Road) in Cleveland!  I'm also working on a 2D submission for Mail Me Art Two, which is due no later than January 31, 2010.  That deadline was pushed up from the end of March so I'm feeling a bit of pressure there!

As always, I'll keep you posted on new developments, and post pics when I can.  For now, I'm wishing a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all!

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